Newyddion a Chyllid

Gallwch gael gwybod am yr holl newyddion a’r chyfleoedd cyllid diweddaraf sy’n berthnasol i’ch maes diddordeb chi.


Gwobr Arloesi sy’n dathlu ein gwaith – rhowch gynnig arni nawr!

Closing date: 18 October 2019

Rhowch gais i mewn nawr i gael cyfle i ennill Gwobr Partneriaeth Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol â’r Diwydiant, sydd wedi’i noddi gan Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru, ym mhedwerydd ar ddeg cyfarfod blynyddol Gwobrau Arloesi MediWales ar 4 Rhagfyr 2019.


Cyfarwyddwr newydd Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru wedi’i benodi


Rydyn ni’n llawn cyffro ynglŷn â chyhoeddi bod yr Athro Kieran Walshe wedi’i benodi fel cyfarwyddwr newydd Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru.


Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice

Closing date: 11 November 2019

The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice provide a unique opportunity for mid-career health services researchers and practitioners to spend up to 12 months in the United States, conducting original research and working with leading American health policy experts.


Dyfarniad Amser Ymchwil Clinigol 2019

Closing date: 17 October 2019

Mae Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd rownd 2019 Gwobrau Amser Ymchwil Clinigol yn agor ar 5 Medi 2019.


SoECAT & Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) - what it is and what it means to you


The Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Template (SoECAT) captures and calculates the different activities and costs associated with clinical research in a standardised and consistent way.


GDPR guidance update for researchers and study coordinators


The Health Research Authority (HRA) have updated the recommended wording for data transparency following consultation with various stakeholders and public involvement and feedback on the initial published wording to provide a clearer more layered approach.


KESS2 MRES Scholarship: The SOLVE Study: Solving non-participation in the Cwm Taf Health Check programme

Closing date: 2 September 2019

The aim of the programme is to prevent the onset of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke in the first place. Everyone aged between 40 and 74 (approximately 191,500 people) is invited to attend a Health Check at a GP surgery but the problem is that only half of those invited make use of this opportunity


Dyfarniad Amser Ymchwil Clinigol 2019

Closing date: 17 October 2019

Mae cylch 2019 ar gyfer y Dyfarniad Amser Ymchwil Clinigol nawr ar agor.


Lansio strategaeth ymchwil a gwerthuso newydd


Mae strategaeth Ymchwil a Gwerthuso newydd Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn amlygu ein hymrwymiad i ymgorffori ymchwil a gwerthuso ar draws y sefydliad, gan ein galluogi i feithrin y wybodaeth sydd ei hangen i wella iechyd a llesiant ledled Cymru (Blaenoriaeth Strategol 7).


Galwad am brosiectau i gefnogi digideiddio’r sector cyhoeddus (Hydref)


Galwad am brosiectau i gefnogi digideiddio’r sector cyhoeddus (Hydref)

Gallwch gyflwyno eitem Newyddion neu Digwyddiad

Os hoffech hyrwyddo eitem ar y wefan hon, cyflwynwch eich cynnwys yma