A list of resources focusing on research networks and governance reference material that you may find useful.
Title | Description | Resource |
Is it all smoke without fire? Welsh primary school children's perceptions of electronic cigarettes - Infographic | Is it all smoke without fire? Welsh primary school children's perceptions of electronic cigarettes | |
Is it all smoke without fire? Welsh primary school children's perceptions of electronic cigarettes - report | The study aimed to provide insight into children’s awareness of electronic cigarettes relative to tobacco smoking, their beliefs about vaping and smoking and understanding of the risks and benefits. | |
Mass Unemployement Events (MUEs) Prevention and Response from a Public Health Perscpective - Full report | Mass unemployment events can destabilize communities over many generations, as evidenced in historical coal mining areas in the UK; affecting local employment, and exacerbating social and health inequalities. The impact of mass unemployment on health is helpfully brought together in this report, building the argument for including health in short and longer term responses to these events. | |
Mass Unemployment Events (MUEs) - Infographic | Mass Unemployment Events (MUEs) | |
Maternal Health Improvement: Reducing rates of Low Birth Weight in Cwm Taf | Conference presentations. Public Health Research, Policy and Practice: Working Together in Wales. Thursday 2 March 2017 |
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Preventing Violence Promoting Peace - Full Report | This document summarises evidence on breaking these cycles of violence. Violence is preventable and recent decades have generated substantive evidence describing both the risk factors that push people into violent life courses and a range of policies, programmes and practices that prevent such violence from developing. | |
Preventing Violence Promoting Peace - Sumamry | This document summarises evidence on breaking these cycles of violence. Violence is preventable and recent decades have generated substantive evidence describing both the risk factors that push people into violent life courses and a range of policies, programmes and practices that prevent such violence from developing. | |
Public Health Wales Research Highlights Report 2016/17 | Public Health Wales is involved in a wide variety of national and international research. Research is an essential part of what we do as an organisation, enabling us to understand the most effective approaches to improving the health and well-being of those living in Wales and beyond. | |
Public Involvement and Engagement in Public Health Research | A guidance document containing information to help researchers understand the importance of public involvement and engagement. |
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Report 1 - Mental illness. Sources of resilience and their moderating relationships with harms from adverse childhood experiences. | Understanding how Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs affect individuals’ health and behaviour across the life course has been one of the most transformative developments in public health over recent years. | |