Research Strategy Grant Funding - Call Open!!
Closing date: 24 June 2019
What is a Research Strategy Grant?
Launched in 2018, a research strategy grant is a funded piece of research over 2 years for up to £60,000 necessary to advance the services and activity provision of Tenovus Cancer Care. It is also a facility to conduct larger, more comprehensive evaluations to measure effectiveness of current services. Each grant call will have identified themes for applicants to choose and apply.
2019 Priority Themes This year’s themes are;
Theme 1:Behavioural changes
Theme 2: Earlier Presentation
Theme 3: Living with and Beyond Cancer
2019/20 Tenovus Cancer Care Research Strategy Grants will be open for applications from Thursday 25th April; closing Monday 24th June 2019.
As this is research to directly address Tenovus Cancer Care strategy, we strongly recommend that you communicate with us prior to submitting an application. This will allow a discussion of plans which will ensure that applications are as suitable and aligned as possible.
The Tenovus Cancer Care Research Strategy Grants are open to those where the lead applicant is based in Wales. Co-applicants or collaborators may be from outside of Wales. Projects must meet at least one of the proposed priority areas.