NIHR - Behavioural intervention to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe learning disabilities
Closing date: 31 July 2019
The Health Technology Assessment Programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic:
19/32 Behavioural intervention to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe learning disabilities
Making an application
If you wish to submit a Stage 1 application against this topic, the on-line application form can be found along with the details for this brief at The HTA Programme can be selected using the filters and the application should be submitted on-line no later than 1pm on the 31st July 2019. Applications will be considered by the HTA Funding Committee at its meeting in September 2019.
The guidance notes for this call can be found at:
The supporting information can be found at:
IMPORTANT: For Stage 1 applications, if shortlisted, investigators will be given a minimum of eight weeks to submit a Stage 2 proposal. The Stage 2 proposal will be considered at the Funding Committee in January 2020.
Applications received electronically after 1300 hours on the due date will not be considered.