New Research Awareness Factsheet Available


Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training should be appropriate and proportionate to staff roles and the activities being taken. The all-Wales SOP on GCP training describes the levels of training required for different staff roles. The SOP states training requirements are ultimately a local business
decision by R&D and or the sponsor but it sets out alternative training solutions available to different groups.

Staff working in a research environment but not directly involved in the research itself fall into the ‘research aware’ group. They do not require full GCP training but need to have an understanding of what is going on around them. The SOP states that a form of internal discussion or training can be carried out instead.

Our feedback shows that many researchers would like a pre-made factsheet they can use within their teams to train their research aware staff. We have listened to this feedback and have created our Research Awareness Factsheet to meet this need. Download the factsheet now.