Join a Study

Interested in being involved in a research study? There are a number of organisations dedicated to getting the public involved in various aspects of research. 


Involving People Network is part of Health and Care Research Wales and offers members of the public an opportunity to be involved in research. They may also provide training, expenses and guidance for those interested in being involved in a research study.

HealthWise Wales collects health and lifestyle information from the Welsh public who have registered to be a part of the project. This can then be used to help answer big research questions around health, wellbeing and health and social care in Wales.

National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Research (NCPHWR) offers a place for researchers, clinicians and policymakers to come together and carry out research that will improve the health and wellbeing for those living in Wales.


The following national organisations also have opportunities to get involved;

UK Clinical Trials Gateway
Trials 4 Us
Arthritis Research UK (Charity)
Cancer Research UK (Charity)
Join Dementia Research
Sea Hero Quest – a mobile game where anyone can help with dementia research


The following national organisations also have opportunities to get involved;

World Health Organization (WHO) – Clinical Trials Search Portal

Be a part of the wider research community.