10th Annual R&D Conference - Aneurin Bevan

11 Jun

Christchurch Centre, Newport, NP20 5PP

Research for Clinical Futures Delivering "A Healthier Wales". To be held at the Christchurch Centre, Newport.

Confirmed speakers so far:

  • Aneurin Bevan CEO, Mrs Judith Paget will be opening the conference
  • Mrs Hayley Heard, Head of Bowel Screening Wales (Keynote speaker)
  • Ms Consuelo Hartprieto, Consultant Urologist, ABUHB
  • Dr David Gillespie Deputy Director of Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Trials, Cardiff University
  • Mr James Knowles, Department of Psychology, Swansea University

Free paper abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be invited. This is a FREE event.

Further information is available from:

Alison Davey and Jane Jones or ABB.RandD@wales.nhs.uk


Flyer Tenth Annual RD Conference.pdf

ABUHB RD conf abstr applic form 2019.doc