Genevieve Riley

Genevieve Riley

Email Genevieve Senior Researcher (Impact and Evaluation)

Genevieve joined Public Health Wales in January 2018 as Senior Researcher for Evaluation and Impact.  An experienced researcher, she now leads a small team of evaluation researchers to develop a programme of impact evaluations which contribute towards our organisational approach to measuring value and impact.  Genevieve also supports colleagues in the organisation with the development of their evaluation frameworks, as well as building evaluation capability with training opportunities for staff to expand their evaluation and research skills.

Previously in a senior management role in a mental health Trust in England, Genevieve has spent many years working across traditional disciplinary boundaries to develop research portfolios in mental health and learning disabilities for the NIHR.  She is an experienced trial manager, Principal Investigator for the NIHR portfolio, and holds two MScs in Public Health and most recently from the NHS Leadership Academy.  She is currently undertaking her Social and Public Policy Doctorate studies at Cardiff University.

Research interests:  health inequalities, ACEs, mental health, learning disabilities, patient and public involvement, service user and carer led research

Relevant Publications:

REFOCUS: Developing a recovery focus in mental health services in England:  Final report (Feb 2015).  Slade, M, Bird, V, Chandler, R, Clarke, E, Craig, T, Larsen, J, Lawrence, V, Le Boutillier, C, Macpherson, R, McCrone, P, Pesola, F, Riley, G, Shepherd, G, Tew, J, Thornicroft, G, Wallace,G ,Williams, J and Leamy, M.

Leamy, M, Clarke, E, Le Boutillier, C, Bird, V, Janosik, M, Sabas, K, Riley, G, Williams, J and Slade, M. (2014). Implementing a complex intervention to support personal recovery:A qualitative study nested within a cluster randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE 9(5):

R. Macpherson, P.Thyarappa, G.Riley, H.Steer.  Evaluation of three assertive outreach teams. The Psychiatrist (2013), 37, 228-231,

G. Riley, N. Gregory, J. Bellinger, N. Davies, G. Mabbott and R. Sabourin.  Carer’s education groups for relatives with a first episode of psychosis: an evaluation of an eight-week education group.  Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2011; 5: 57–63

J Laidlaw , D Pugh, G Riley and N Hovey.  The use of Section 136 (Mental Health Act 1983) in Gloucestershire.  Medicine  Science and the Law 2010; 50: 29–33

G. Riley J Laidlaw , D Pugh, and E Freeman.  The responses of professional groups to the use of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983, as amended by the 2007 Act) in Gloucestershire. Medicine  Science and the Law 2011;51:36-42

G. Riley J Laidlaw , D Pugh, and E Freeman.  A frightening experience’: detainees’ and carers’ experiences of being detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.  Medicine  Science and the Law 2011; 51: 164-169